Anna Mrachkovska

Anna Mrachkovska

About me

Hello, my name is Anna Mrachkovska, and I am a professional actress.  I am 22 years old. I currently live in Berlin and in 2024 I received my bachelor's degree from the Ivan Karpenko-Kary National University of Theater, Film and Television in Kyiv. 

I am a professional dancer of contemporary choreography.  I am a Ukrainian hip-hop champion. But now I pay more attention to experimental and stage dancing. 

When the war started, I returned to my hometown and volunteered for almost a month.  Then I decided to go abroad.  Because I realized that I wanted to help my country through art and would have more opportunities to develop my acting.  

When I arrived in Berlin, it was clear that it was difficult to adapt to the perception that you were already inside the war.  However, in 10 months in Berlin, I managed to take part in ten performances.  I also appeared in two commercials, three music video, and something similar in two student works and two teasers for a full-length movie. 
I had the opportunity to study acting at the University of Künste Berlin on the Erasmus+ Program.  I study German intensively and had the opportunity to play on a fairly large stage in German and with thay polish language.

I believe that an actor is not only the executor of the director's idea. It is a mind that can control itself and thus influence others with intelligence and honesty to the world. 


Acting age
18-26 years
Year of birth
2002 (22 years)
Place of birth
Height (cm)
Weight (in kg)
Eye color
Hair color
dark brown
Hair length
Ethnicity and heritage
athletic / training, female, normal, slim
Place of residence
Berlin (DE)
Housing options
Frankfurt (DE), Warsaw (PL), Kyiv (UA)
ChoreographyContact improvisationExperimental danceFreestyle danceHip hopClassic danceContemporary dance
Main profession
Dancer, Model, Theater
ClassicJazzfolk song
Special skills
ChoreographyComposingModelSinger-songwriterStudio musician


Primary professional training

2020 – 2024
Kyiv National I. K. Karpenko-Karyi University of theatre, cinema and television

Other professional training

Universität der Künste


“Gierki” (Teaser (film concept)) In development
Supporting role Lulu Pomorova Producer: Fundacja Szkota Wajdy Program Edukacji Filmowej 2023/2024 wspótfinansowany przez Polski Instytut Sztuki Filmowej Distribution: the main character's ex-girlfriend. Casting Director: Nora McGettigan Written by: Lulu Pomorova
„Ohrwurm“ (Short film)
Alien (MR) Anastasia Vyshnevska Producer: Anastasia Vyshnevska Written by: Anastasia Vyshnevska
"Kurt" (Teaser)
Anna ( HR) (SR) Steffen Boseckert Producer: Mindcore Productions Distribution: Steffen Boseckert Casting Director: Steffen Boseckert, Diana Mantel Written by: Ulrike Werner
„ Recording 377“ (Short film)
artificial intelligence that came to life (SR) Anastasia Vishnevska Producer: Anastasia Vishnevska Written by: Anastasia Vishnevska


« Kharkiv Calling” (Other)
played herself (MR) Felix Mayer-Christian Producer: Costa Compagnie Theater: TD Berlin Casting Director: Felix Mayer-Christian Written by: Anna Mrachkovska and Felix Mayer-Christian
« Creeping Creature“ (Choreography)
one of the dancers (SR) Christine Dissmann Producer: Hotel Continental Written by: Christine Dissmann
“The End of Civilization” (Drama)
Sandy is girl from the escort profession. Sandy- the best friend of the leader character. (SR) Enrico Stolzenburg Theater: university scene UdK Written by: George F. Walker
STAY UNITED #2 Frauen im Krieg (Drama)
The woman, who tell Ukrainian poems as her reflection on the war (EL) Christina Dissmann Producer: Deutsches Theater Theater: Deutsches Theater Berlin Written by: By Ukrainian classic writers
Die Hüterin (Drama)
I played the antagonist Moscow, which wanted to destroy Ukraine all the time (SR) Xenia Woolfman Producer: Documentary Ukrainian Theater Theater: Documentary Ukrainian Theater Written by: By Olga Bogachevska
“MinskiyBerlin” (Drama)
Creature with my monologue (EL) Christine Dissmann Producer: Christine Dissmann Theater: hotel continental - artspace in exile elsenstraße berlin germany Written by: By Christine Dissmann and our actors
Monolog of Vagina (Choreography)
ANNA (SR) Victory Stepankova Producer: Victory Stepankova Theater: at Kyyivsʹkyy Natsionalʹnyy Universytet Teatru, Kino I Telebachennya Imeni Ivana Karpenka-Karoho. Casting Director: Victory Stepankova Written by: by several woman from our team


“Slow” by XARMS (Music video) In development
The character who abuse her boyfriend through dancing (SR) Anastasiia Lukova Producer: Filmuniversität Babelsberg Casting Director: Dara Zaporozhets
“ Lesia Kvartyrynka” (Music video)
a woman who is going to a party (MR) Victor Stepanyuk Producer: Ivanka Fish
« Вода» (Music video)
antagonist of the main character (SR) Anna Piliuhina Producer: Cultural Workers Studio with the support of Goethe-Institut and Artists at Risk