Alexandra Schiller

Alexandra Schiller

About me

Alexandra had her first leading role at the age of 15 as Cinderella in the ballet of the same name. While she was still studying dance (at the HfMDK in Frankfurt am Main), engagements as a dancer took Alexandra to Denmark and Finland.

Alexandra then decided to train as an actress and made her television debut in 2017 (Matterns Revier) on ARD. This was followed by a number of short films, several of which won awards (Anti Cupido, MDR; Z-Office, Amazon Prime).

Alexandra returned to the stage from 2016-2020 as a stand up comedienne and was a regular guest at the Quatsch Comedy Club, as well as SWR3 Comedy Festival and NDR Comedy Contest. Alexandra was also part of the improvisation ensemble Springmaus in Bonn.

Alexandra played a leading role throughout a mini-series on “Leider laut” on ZDF/KIKA. The show was awarded the Grimme Prize. She also appeared in “Nicht dein Ernst!” (WDR) and “Team Abdel” (WDR).

Since 2022, Alexandra has also been working as a motion capture actress and plays the lead role in “Alone in the dark” with Jodie Comer, among others.

Alexandra has been hosting the podcast of the BFFS - Federal Association of Actors since 2020.


Acting age
28-38 years
Year of birth
1989 (35 years)
Place of birth
Tomsk (Sibirien)
Height (cm)
Weight (in kg)
Eye color
Hair color
dark blond(e)
Hair length
Ethnicity and heritage
White or Caucasian, German, Russian
athletic / training
Place of residence
Cologne (DE)
Housing options
London (GB), Aachen (DE), Munich (DE), Hamburg (DE), Berlin (DE), Melbourne (AU), Yellowknife (CA)
BalletYogaBoulderingInline skatingPilates
BalletContemporary danceFlamencoImprovisation danceJazz danceModern danceCharleston
Main profession
Comedian, Facilitator, Dubbing actor, Dancer
Special skills
Driver's licenses
B - Car


Professional background

2006-2010 HfMDK, Frankfurt am Main 2010-2012 FAS Cologne

Other professional training

FÜR DEN FILM (Weiterbildung)
Impro Comedy (John Hudson, Köln)
Chubbuck & Choices (Tim Garde, Berlin)
Workshop mit Hanfried Schüttler (Filmhaus Köln)
Film Acting School Cologne mit Abschluss
Hochschule für Musik und Darstellende Kunst (Diplom-Studiengang: Zeitgenössischer und Klassischer Tanz) (Diplom Ø 1,8)


All Tomorrow´s Yesterdays (Short film)
Leider Laut (TV show)
Quatsch Comedy Club Talentschmiede (Theater recording)
Z-Office (Drama)
Anti Cupido (Short film)
Veikko (Short film)


Weine nicht, Ilja (AT) (Short film) In development
Masha (MR) Henrik Bobb
Oberste Etage (Short film)
Janine (SR) Victor Martini Written by: Nathalie "Nike" Weiß
All Tomorrow's Yesterdays (Short film)
Sylvia (SR) Steve Dix Producer: Kevin Kraemer Written by: Steve Dix
LASER (AT) (Pilot)
Claire Tati (MR) Douglas Stahl Distribution: Serien-Pilot Casting Director: Douglas Stahl Written by: Douglas Stahl
Lethe (Medium length film)
Aliena Gruber (SR) Micon Gerthold Distribution: Hofer Filmtage
Seeing Beethoven (Short film)
Elena (Immigrant) (MR) John J. Koster Producer: IMPACT 50 Distribution: IMPACT 50
Bollos (Medium length film)
Kathi (MR) Sebastian Robra Distribution: 360° - Diplomfilm
Sick New World (Feature film)
Reporterin Cara Love (MR) Steffen F. Kaminski Distribution: Magic Mirror Productions
Road to you (Educational production)
Sarah Vetter (MR) Ina Wolf Distribution: Abschlussfilm
Z-OFFICE (Medium length film)
Lilly (MR) Douglas Stahl Distribution: Amazon Prime
Der Himmel ist überall blau (Medium length film)
Julia (SR) Gina Wenzel
Mind Escape (Short film)
Anna (MR) Theresa van Linn
Es war einmal (Educational production)
Elli (MR) Hanna Weller
Man trifft sich immer zweimal (Educational production)
Annika (MR) Jan-Marco Wegmann Distribution: Abschlussfilm
Anti Cupido (Medium length film)
junge Frau (SR) Andreas Pakull Distribution: MDR
Points Of View (Cinema film)
Lena (MR) Mario von Grumbkow Distribution: Kino
Malermeister Engel (Educational production)
Engel (MR) Nikita Romanov
We don´t need no (Educational production)
Lara (MR) Ann Christin Keune
Glückskekse (Educational production)
Klara Rimberg (MR) Marian Bruchholz Producer: FAS Cologne
Gier (Short film)
Kassiererin (SR) Leonard Schmidt Producer: Neonfilm TV, Andrej Pavlunin
Christkind kommt (Educational production)
Eva (MR) Bele Albrecht


Anwälte der Toten (Documentary series)
diverse (EL) Producer: RTL Studios Station: RTL Nitro
Team Abdel (TV show)
Übermutter Sandra (wiederkehrende Rolle) (MR) Jochen Schmitz Station: WDR
Heiße Luft (Short film)
Reporterin (SR) Mirko Muhshoff Station: MDR
Nicht dein Ernst! (TV show)
Lockvogel (DR) (MR) Sven Grammer Station: WDR
Leider laut (TV series)
Samira (DHR) (MR) Joseph Bolz Station: ZDF / KIKA
NDR Comedy Contest (TV show)
Comedienne (MR) Station: NDR
Es war Mord - Fall Christin Rexin
Christin (HR) (MR) Marc Raabe Station: RTL Casting Director: Phillis Dayanir & Johanna Hellwig
Matterns Revier (TV series)
Melli (EL) Lars Montag Station: ARD Casting Director: Bärbel Bodeux
Dein Song
Tänzerin (HR) (MR) Andreas Simon Station: KiKA


Stand Up Comedy
Alexandra Schiller Alexandra Schiller Theater: NDR, SWR, Quatsch Comedy Club
Auf die Tanne, fertig, los!
Other Bill Mockridge Theater: Springmaus Ensemble Bonn Casting Director: Bärbel Bodeux
Impro Comedy
Other John Hudson Theater: Atelier Colonia
Humanity Incorporated
Idoru 4000 (HR) (MR) Daniel Schulz Theater: Hebbel am Ufer, Berlin
wechselnde HR Simon Steimel Theater: Steimel-Menschner-Projekte
Marquise (HR) (MR) Thomas G. Waites Theater: Theater im Hof, Köln
Choreografie-Assistenz Urs Jäckle Theater: Senftöpfchentheater Köln / Pantheon Bonn
Anführerin (HR) (MR) Jakub Roszkowski Theater: Danzig Teatr Wybrzeze
Cinderella (Ballett)
Cinderella (HR) (MR) Brigitte Erdweg Theater: Eurogress Aachen


Podcast des Bundesverband Schauspiel (Schauspielheld*innen) (Other)
Moderation (EL) Producer: Bundesverband Schauspiel (BFFS)
Und jetzt bin ich tot (Speaker)
Christin Rexin (EL) Jessica Bastron Producer: 24 25 TV & Medienproduktion Distribution: RTL+ Casting Director: Phillis Dayanir (Folgeauftrag)
Siemens / Cueconcept Schulungsfilm intern
Erzählerin / Off-Stimme Dominik Strohbeck Casting Director: Wunderlein Film
The D´Amelio Show (Dubbing)
Gemma (SR) Ulrike Mehnert
The D´Amelio Show
Gemma (Synchron) Ulrike Mehnert Casting Director: Splendid Synchron, Köln
Unité 42 (Dubbing)
Jade (MR) Ilya Welter Distribution: ZDF Neo
Grand Designs - The Street (Dubbing)
Roxie (SR)
Grand Designs: The Street
Roxie (Synchron) Casting Director: Splendid Synchron, Köln
Unité 42
Jade (Episodenrolle) Mathieu Mortelmans, Christophe Wagner, Hendrik Moonen Casting Director: Splendid Synchron, Köln
DC Super Hero Girls (Dubbing)
Katana (SR) Andi Krösing Producer: SDI Media
DC Super Hero Girls - diverse
Katana Andi Krösing Casting Director: SDI Berlin
Clearasil-Kampagne (Speaker)
Main role Producer: FH Düsseldorf - Kommunikations- und Mediamanagemen
Salut Frankreich (Speaker)
Main role Producer: Bezirksregierung Köln


Alone in the dark (Video game)
Emily Hartwood (Jodie Comer) (MR) Christoph Schulte / Philip Erdsiek Producer: MetricMinds Casting Director: Konni Amic
Hurricane (Music video)
Mutter (MR) Dominik Balkow Producer: Musicstarter GmbH
Ein Geschenk (Musikvideo)
Freundin/Ehefrau/Mutter (MR) Dominik Balkow Producer: Musicstarter GmbH


Haus Sonnenuntergang
Jenny Lauterer Ramona Schukraft Distribution: Webserie
Zucker ist Liebe (5 Sketche)
Eva (HR) (MR) Dennis Todorovic Distribution: Webserie Casting Director: Lars Filthaut
SMS Love Shorty - Erste Liebeserklärung (Self Made Shorty)
Alexandra, Asibraut, Intellektuelle, Ökotante, Russin (MR) Theresa van Linn
Merle Andersen (DHR) Laura Tamoj Distribution: YouTube
Mystery Online
Lydia Hartmann (DHR) Dirk Rosenlöcher/Simon Busch Distribution: Webserie


S-Payment (Commercial)
Kundin (SR) Bruno Manguen Producer: Sparked Kreativagentur Casting Director: Bruno Manguen
Kaufland - das größte Kinderzimmer Deutschlands (Commercial)
Chantal (SR) Jan Verborg Producer: brandneo GmbH
TetraPak "Recycling"
Familienmutter (MR) Carsten Böhlefeld Casting Director: Magica Laterna Frankfurt
KIJIMEA Statement / Wolff Brothers GmbH
junge Frau (HR) (MR) Matthias Bierer Casting Director: Julia Todorow
Schulungsfilm Kaufhof/Karstadt
Moderatorin und Reporterin Ralf Beckert Casting Director: Ralf Beckert Produktion
Phantasialand Wintertraum
Moderatorin Patrick Raulf
Choose Wisely (Spec-Spot)
Christina Buhr (HR) (MR) Simon 'Womse' Glass Casting Director: Simon 'Womse' Glass
Zucker ist Liebe (5 Sketche)
Eva (HR) (MR) Dennis Todorovic